Sandra Bordini

Product Design


NSC Total

NSC total is the news portal that brings together information and entertainment content from different vehicles associated with NSC Communications. The project refers to the redesign of the portal carried out by the company CWI Software.




NSC Comunicações e CWI Software

My role

My role was to collect documentation, talk to stakeholders, conduct design sessions, generate flowcharts, create styleguides, create high-fidelity prototypes and support the dev team. I was the only designer working on the project.

Tela NSC


The project involved giving visibility to many vehicles respecting a hierarchy of information that took into account business rules, consumer behaviors and different views of various stakeholders. It was also necessary to take into account adds that occupy a considerable area of ​​the screen and need to be in harmony with the information.

Tela NSC Tela NSC


The project began with 3 phases: immersion, ideation and prototyping. The immersion stage began with interviews with NSC's main stakeholders in which concepts from the business and the users' point of view were gathered. Based on these dynamics, a CSD Matrix was created and the Product Vision was defined. A large volume of data relating to users' audience and reading habits was also considered. In addition, a Card sorting dynamic was carried out with participants from the newspaper's editorial staff to define the site map.

In the ideation stage, three personas and corresponding empathy maps were created. The objective was to cover different profiles of readers interested in NSC Total content, as well as their reading habits and behavior on each website. Still in the ideation stage, the prototype screens began. Based on these and the brand identity manual, a design system was developed for use on the website.


The final delivery of the project was a presentation with the analysis processes in the immersion and ideation phases aligned with the results found. It also included a styleguide for the platform and prototypes for the desktop and mobile version.